Announcing our 2024 Scholarship Recipient
For 2024, we are pleased to award our scholarship to Mackenzie Burnett, a Masters in Environment and Sustainability student at the University of Saskatchewan.
Congratulations to Mackenzie Burnett
Mackenzie is going into her last year of her Masters in Environment and Sustainability, where her research into defining and characterizing what eco-restoration means to Indigenous and industry partners while examining their views on the effectiveness of collaborative eco-restoration will lead to developing recommendations for future eco-restoration projects. These recommendations will help bridge an identified gap in collaborative eco-restoration and environmental decision making for both Indigenous and industry partners.
Mackenzie completed her Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at McGill University. She has also authored two research publications, is a cofounder of Saskatoon Climate Hub and a core organizer of Climate Justice Saskatoon. Mackenzie plans to utilize her Masters towards further environmental science & support for climate justice groups and publishing a book one day.
Mackenzie is an alumna of Alpha Omicron Pi - Kappa Phi chapter (McGill University, Montreal QC). While a member of Kappa Phi, Paulina served as Vice-President of Panhellenic Relations and Finance Assistant. She also was a news writer for the McGill Daily and a project leader for CERES Montreal.

2025 Scholarship applications available February 2025
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Canada is pleased to offer one graduate scholarship to women who meet the following qualifications:
1. Applicant must be a female Canadian citizen; and
2. Applicant's Masters/Professional or Ph.D. studies are currently in progress or commencing in the ensuing fall semester.
The application deadline for is April 22.
Frequently asked questions
1. Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
Any female Canadian citizen currently enrolled in a Masters/Professional degree or Ph.D. program or accepted to commence Masters/Professional degree or Ph.D. program in Fall 2025 is eligible to apply.
You do not have to be a member of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity or the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Canada to apply.
2. When is the scholarship application due?
If you are submitting your application by mail or email, it must be sent/postmarked before 11:59 p.m. Pacific time April 22.
Transcripts must be postmarked by April 22.
3. Is there a application fee?
There is no fee to apply.
4. What if I have a question that is not addressed above?
Please email your inquiry to